India's first COVID-19 case was detected on 30 th January 2020, then 2 more cases were reported by 3 rd February. There was no case reported from anywhere in the country during the month of February till 2nd March. There after, the COVID-19 infections started to slowly spread across the country. As on 14 th March, the total confirmed positive cases reached a figure of 107. This has further increased to 223 on 20th March, showing the number of confirmed cases doubled within less than 7 days. As per the latest data released by MoHFW at 8 AM on 20th April, the confirmed cases reached 18601. FIRST PREDICTION ICMR data on 21 st March shown that there are 315 confirmed cases, while the MoHFW release shown this as 283, this inconsistency of figures between the two entities of Union Government continues even today. However, I have taken MoHFW figures here for my analysis. The data on 21st March showed that the confirmed cases were doubl...